Art of Angels Presents

Light & Love

Tuesday, March 8, 2022 from 12:00 AM to 12:00 AM

Open the CloudExhibit®

From the beginning of the history of mankind, the search for meaning through religion and spirituality has been one of our most prominent obsessions. In that quest, we are searching for our own identity in place in this universe, the highest ideals to help us live a meaningful life, and an Author who holds all the answers and the keys to every door. We see glimpses of what we are reaching for through our own ability to love deeply and hope through the substance of light and all that it illuminates. We search for truth, purpose, and answers. Some believe they have found it while others consider it a life-long journey. Wherever your quest for enlightenment and eternity has taken you, we want to see what it has inspired you to create.

Special Instructions

Submit your work online. Because this is an online exhibition, please be sure that your images are good quality. Images will be compressed and reduced for online display. Please note that works containing too much of the background behind the artwork will be eliminated. If you do not want to sell your work through the exhibition, be sure to set the price of that work to $0.00.

Up to 20 works are accepted for submission. The exhibition will be curated to include the highest quality, most relevant, and most cohesive work.


  • J Gomez

Important Dates

Event Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 @ 12:00 AM
Art Submissions Closed

Art Submission Status