Five Deuces Galleria is excited to announce an open call for art for our December SIX WEEKS LONG guest art exhibit, our third annual “SMALL WORKS” show - an open theme whose only limitations are the artwork size and your imagination.
Size limit: Artwork must not exceed 20” on its longest edge (excluding the frame).
Coinciding with the gift giving season, all art should be priced right for the holidays to allow all art lovers to purchase unique, original works of art for gift giving or as additions to their expanding collections.
Open to all ideas, styles, genres, and mediums. All perspectives are welcome and encouraged.
As one of the premier art galleries in the area, we are dedicated to promoting and celebrating the diverse talents of emerging and established artists. We look forward to hosting, promoting, exhibiting, and selling your work in this group show.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Wednesday, November 20, 2024 11:59pm
Submission Guidelines:
Artists may submit up to 10 works for consideration.
The exhibition is open to any theme, any size, and any medium.
We are using CloudFolios to assist in curating the show. If you don’t already have an account, you can set one up (free) during the submission process.
Open to all mediums of art by artists who can coordinate a local drop off & pick up of any unsold work.
For 3D artwork, the artist must be willing to provide a pedestal or other way to securely display the work. The Gallery has a few pedestals that may be available on a first come first served basis, but we cannot provide a guarantee.
All submissions must be original works of art created by the artist.
All work must be for sale.
All accepted artwork for the exhibit must be ready to hang.
Submitted and accepted artwork should be priced equivalent to what you would sell it for on your own. If an artwork sells during the exhibit the curators will work with you to replace it, thereby offering you additional sales opportunities.
SUBMIT YOUR WORK HERE: SUBMIT YOUR WORK. Please note, the images you submit with your work are 1) the primary tool the curators use to evaluate, accept, or reject a piece and 2) the same images the marketing team will use in promotional materials for accepted work throughout the duration of the exhibit, will be displayed in our online gallery, and will be included in our buyers guide. While the images do not have to be perfect by a hired professional, unsatisfactory images will affect the curating.
LEARN MORE: https://www.cloudfolios.com/exhibitions/318
CALL TYPE: Six Weeks Long Gallery Exhibition
LOCATION: 2101 3rd Ave S., St. Petersburg, FL 33712
OPEN TO: All artists who can arrange for a local drop off + pick up of any unsold work
ENTRY FEE: $30 for a maximum of 10 entries (+ 10% CloudFolios processing fee). All submissions will be curated by Five Deuces Galleria, selecting up to 10 of the submitted pieces per entrant. This fee is non-refundable.
Please, do not submit your work for consideration if you are not serious about exhibiting. By submitting and if accepted, please understand that there is a possibility that 1 or more of your works may be chosen.
Final Submission Deadline: Wednesday, November 20, 2024, 11:59pm EST
Curation/Finalization of work: Saturday, November 23, 2024. Artists will be notified of acceptance and or rejection via email.
Work drop off: Monday & Tuesday December 2 & 3, 2024 11:00am-3:00pm EST
Artist Conceptual Statements Due: Tuesday, December 3, 2024 (for those accepted. Instructions will be sent via email.)
Grand Opening Event: Saturday, December 7, 6:00pm - 9:00pm EST
St. Pete ArtWalk (December): Saturday, December 14, 2024, 5:00pm-9:00pm EST
St. Pete ArtWalk (January): Saturday, January 11, 2025, 5:00pm-9:00pm EST
Exhibition Duration: November 23 - January 13, 2025
Unsold Work pick-up: Sunday & Monday January 12 & 13, 2025 11:00am-3:00pm EST
The gallery also will be open for other special events throughout the month, to be announced at a later date. In addition, the gallery is open to visitors most weekdays from 11am-4pm and by appointment.
We cannot accept shipped artwork at this time.
Five Deuces Galleria will retain a 30% commission on any sold work in the gallery during its exhibition run All sales of the displayed artwork will be processed by the gallery, regardless of whether it is an in-person or offline sale. Payment processing fees will be deducted from artist payout, when applicable.
Any artwork that is sold during the exhibition may be taken by the buyer immediately after purchase. The artist may replace the sold artwork with approval from the curators.
If you have any additions / changes / deletions for work after you submit for this call, you can make changes up until noon on the day the call closes. Please contact me directly at FiveDeucesGalleria@gmail.com, and I will re-open your submission. The system will not charge you again.
***Once curation is complete, selected work is considered to be committed to the show for the duration. Five Deuces Galleria will begin promoting the shows and the accepted work immediately after curation. If a buyer contacts you directly for purchase at any time between curation and the end of the show, the expectation is for you to direct the buyer to Five Deuces Galleria for completion of the sale.
We rely heavily on the good ethics and morals of our artists to ensure that the representation and sales process is done with integrity.
The artist retains all copyrights to submitted images and represented artwork. Digital images submitted with the artist's entry are for exhibition selection only. Artists selected to exhibit grant Five Deuces Galleria the right to use the selected image(s) on printed materials, social media, and the gallery website for promotional purposes only. Five Deuces Galleria retains no copyrights to the artist's work.
The gallery personnel will do all that it can do to protect your artwork while it’s being shown but cannot assume liability for the chance occurrence of fire, theft or any other damage. The door is locked during the day and night. The artwork can only be viewed during an open event or by appointment. By submitting your art to this exhibit, you imply agreement with these terms.
We reserve the right to refuse display of any accepted work that doesn’t meet gallery presentation standards.
2101 3rd Ave S., St. Petersburg, FL 33712
Email: fivedeucesgalleria@gmail.com
Facebook: @fivedeucesgalleria
Instagram: @fivedeucesgalleria
Five Deuces Galleria is grateful for your participation and recognizes your hard work and creativity. I thank you in advance for your art submissions, for your interest in our exhibition, and for contributing to the world of art.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please email me at fivedeucesgalleria@gmail.com
Special Instructions
What is Cloudfolios?
Cloudfolios is a platform we use to publish our art calls. Artists submitting their work for consideration will be doing so through the Cloudfolios system.
How and when will I know if I've been accepted?
Every artist who submitted their work for consideration will be notified by email. Once the work is finalized, an email is sent to the artists automatically by the Cloudfolios system (the same system the artist used to submit). This email will let the artists know which works were accepted and which works were rejected. If you do not receive an email within a couple of days, please double check your spam folder.
What happens and or what do I do after I am accepted?
Accepted artists can expect a follow-up email directly from the gallery congratulating them on their acceptance as well as very detailed instructions with their exhibiting details.
How and when do I submit my biography and conceptual statements?
Artists will be given detailed instructions through their exhibiting details on how to submit their statements. This requirement only applies to artists who are accepted.
Why is installation, audio, and video art not allowed?
We apologize for this exclusion. Our gallery at this time is not equipped to exhibit these particular mediums of art. We hope to change this in the future.
If I submitted my work and I forgot to include other work, can my submission/application be reopened and can I add it?
Yes, you may. Please email us at: FiveDeucesGalleria@gmail.com
If my work was entirely rejected, can I inquire to know why?
Yes, you may. Please email us at: FiveDeucesGalleria@gmail.com
How much is it to submit and are there any other fees during the submission process?
The entry fee is $25 for a maximum of 10 works that you can submit. This means that for $25, you will be able to submit up to 10 individual works of art. The Cloudfolios system will charge you a 10% processing fee. That means that the submission will cost you a total of $27.50. The gallery DOES NOT charge you a 10% processing fee. The additional $2.50 charged does not go to the gallery. It goes to CloudFolios, a separate company. We simply utilize the Cloudfolios software.
- Julie Haura
- Geoffrey Baris