Collapsing The Sky

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Collapsing The Sky , 2022
A Painting by Laurie Rubell

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I create 2 Canvas paintings (Diptychs)because seeking the inside and outside of the edges is my creative process.

So I use Color,line and space.

Because I think about beginnings and endings of any moment and that exact moment of the beginning and the end.

This painting took 4 months to complete and the process includes "stretching" the canvas over the wood frame.But I do not use "Pre-stretched" canvas and no sketches were done.

I used the blank canvases as a starting point with washes of dark purple blue color and this dominates both canvases.Because of the washes of color hints of figures appear.

I use a variety of different brushes and oil colors.How many?Over 50 different types and styles of brushes.How many tubes of oil paint? Over 100 different tubes!This creates a moment in time.Above the clouds,figures in motion .As a result, watch them collide

Drips of color ,shapes and lines of color.

I do not make copies of my paintings.

No limited copies and no other similar.

There is only only one original unique modern work of art.

Diptych(2 canvas painting.)Each canvas is 66"x40" Total dimensions 66"x80."

Signed and dated on the reverse.

Detail photos reveal depth of color.

oil paint

Available Editions

Collapsing The Sky | Oil on canvas, 80" x 66" x 1"