The Kraken

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The Kraken, 2023
A Photograph by Ronald Kotinsky

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As a naive kayaker in the summer of 2016, I misjudged the direction and intensity of a late afternoon thunderstorm. It remained well inland until the wind changed direction and blew it offshore. Sitting in my kayak a half mile out in Tampa Bay, I noticed lightning bolts falling fiercely. Rather than attempt to rush back, I decided to hide in a mangrove island and wait it out. As the storm pelted me with chilling rains and heavy winds I prayed it would not be my last trip. After the storm passed over, I took a look as it moved quickly offshore and captured this incredible lightning bolt. In the far left corner is the Big Bend Power Plant, on the right a massive lightning strike that towers over everything.

Available Editions

Open Edition | Metallic, 30" x 20" x 0"