Seeing Memories
Photographs hold secrets like our memories do. In the hushed space of solitude, I can hear them. I create paper sculptural arrangements with the purpose of helping viewers remember and myself remember. Those invisible threads that connect to the before are frayed with time. Yet, deep inside my brain safely detached from ownership lives memories and secrets. Seeing helps me remember. Place begins. Familiar shapes and patterns show me a path. I see where I walk, play, and rediscover. The familiarity of spaces form and ephemeral feel of paper empower the viewers to remember their own memories. Seeing Memories are a series of Black and White abstract photographs, specifically designed to help viewers see their own perceptions and memories. Abstraction #13 is from the series Seeing Memories
Permanence is an illusion. Ih homage to the fragility of our memories, I arrange and rearrange the paper structures after each session. Manipulating the white paper creased and folded, I create abstract arrangements to mimic places I see in my memories. These sculptural structures are taped, dampened with water, manipulated, and layered. Each sheet placement has its purpose. The positive and negative spaces dance, intertwined like lovers. The connections between the paper form, the space, and time speaks.