Autumn Stroll

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Autumn Stroll, 2023
A Mixed Media by Carrie O'Brien

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"Autumn Stroll" is a representation of the fall beauty in Northern Michigan. Hiking through the woods made me feel so small among the large trees. I did not want to feel so small in such a large world, so I reversed that feeling by painting on a smaller canvas. The trees are cherished without the feeling of something so superior. The thread is added as a textural component which also lightened the weight of the trees. I enjoy sewing the threads onto the canvas as it unites me with the painting and brings memories of my grandmother and mother sewing clothes and quilts. The amount of love, patience, and care that went into each piece they created, I wanted to do the same in my paintings.

Available Editions

1 | Acrylic and thread on canvas, 12" x 9" x 0"