You Otter Dive Into That Shining Star Hidden Within

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You Otter Dive Into That Shining Star Hidden Within, 2023
A Mixed Media by Roshni Patel

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Inspired by my scuba diving certification, this painting represents conquering fears and discovering the inner magic within ourselves. An otter gracefully dives into the water, while a radiant yellow star captivates the bottom left corner. In the upper right, a blue heart of oxygen ascends, symbolizing the breath of life. The abstract rock and coral background sets the scene, while the foreground seaweed adds depth. The limited acrylic color palette enhances the harmony found within the overall composition. This artwork reminds us of the transformative power of exploration and gratitude, inspiring us to embrace life's depths and find happiness within.

Available Editions

Original - White floater frame | Mixed Media - acrylic, acrylic marker, 16" x 12" x 1"