Everything's Coming Up Daisies

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Everything's Coming Up Daisies, 2024
A Photograph by A. Appiah

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"Everything's coming up roses" is a popular phrase indicating that everything is going well and great things are happening. This piece is called "Everything's Coming Up Daisies," to represent that although we aspire to have an environment that is bountiful and self-sustaining, the reality is that the environment is affected by the way we as humans treat it and care for it. This depiction of daisies was inspired by a beautiful untitled photograph by Wellington Carvalho. "Everything's Coming Up Daisies"" is an 11 in. x 14 in. framed pastel image on gray paper. I chose the image of daisies for the "Nature's Beauty" exhibition because daisies symbolize new beginnings and spring. I chose pastels and gray paper to give a presentation of clarity but also blurriness. The clarity and definition of the center of the daisies, is juxtaposed in front of the blurriness to not only show depth, but to also symbolize the choice we have. We as a collective human race, whose actions affect nature, need to look at our daily life choices and activities to see how we can contribute to making positive changes to make the aspirations of a bountiful and self-sustaining environment more of a reality.
(Artist's signature is under mat)

Available Editions

Limited Edition | Pastel on Gray Paper, 11" x 14" x 0"
Limited Edition | pastel, 9" x 12" x 0"

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