Male Scapes 211

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Male Scapes 211, 2020
A Photograph by Terry Scopelliti

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The desire to experience beauty has always been a primal need in our society and to express it, we have relied upon the arts.

This body of work, Male Scapes, represents my ongoing photographic project in the classic tradition of nude studies. Influenced by Greek and Roman sculpture, each of these images reaches to explore the grace, exuberance and eccentricities of the male form. Stark, edgy and provocative images set against a feild of darkness, the works are revealing, yet also withholding, leaving the forms open to numerous interpretations.

I strive to embrace the light, line, curves and textures that create what is male, not in perfection but as simplistic and sensual. The forms confined in the darkness allude to reaching for some escape. What the escape is yours to determine.

Available Editions

Limited Edition | Silver Gelatin Print, 3" x 5" x 0"