Tales from Weird Al

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Tales from Weird Al, 2023
A Illustration by Krishna Sadasivam

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"Tales from Weird Al" was conceived and created as an affectionate tribute to one of illustrator Krishna M. Sadasivam's earliest musical influences, "Weird Al" Yankovic.

Sadasivam was a young teen when MTV entered the cultural zeitgeist. He became an immediate fan. While buying records or albums featuring Western artists were taboo in his home, Sadasivam would surreptitiously hold his small handheld cassette recorder to the television to capture his favorite songs. Some of those earliest sonic captures were songs by "Weird Al" Yankovic.

Yankovic was accessible, not only for his hilarious music video parodies, but also for the tastefulness of his lyrics. To a pre-teen in a conservative South Indian household, Yankovic's music was a "safe" listen.

The idea to juxtapose Yankovic with a 50's EC horror comic was an obvious one for Sadasivam. Many of the horror comics from that era were banned for being taboo for the youth, whereas Yankovic's music was the only appropriate "Western" music in the artist's household.

"Tales from Weird Al" was illustrated using a Wacom tablet, a Mac computer, and Adobe Photoshop. This is a 2/2 signed edition.

Available Editions

Limited Edition | digital art, 11" x 17" x 1"