Selfie #3

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Selfie #3, 2023
A Mixed Media by LCB

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Colored pencil and gouache on paper, 11"x8.5" with 16"x13" frame

Selfies #1, #2, and #3, would be me in my happy place - floating in the pool with the sun shining on me. I realized as much as this is a joyful escape for me that helps me ground myself, there is also a tension present that reminds me balance is necessary. If we rest for too long and aren't mindful about sun protection, we burn. The three selfies are me start to finish - the first healthy feeling of escape, a mild burn that I ignore, and when my escapism has taken over me.

The inspiration for the selfie series initially branched from another project called "Enjoy, but don't stay too long." It started from wondering what makes a space feel like home, such as sentimental objects, decor, gardens, pets or people, during a season of major personal transitions. However, I noticed a kind of tension within the coziest of spaces, between this healing feeling of rest and belonging (that sometimes can be difficult to fully embrace), and too much of it producing a kind of unhealthiness. The first round of works in this series focused on my impressions of these kinds of moments, balancing healthy rest, sentiment, and change. My "Pool Girls" are a more personal spin on this same thought process.

Available Editions

Limited Edition | Colored pencil and gouache on paper, 13" x 16" x 1"
Limited Edition | Colored pencil and gouache on paper, 13" x 16" x 1"