The Siren II

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The Siren II, 2024
A Mixed Media by Richard Sele

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This is not a drawing or painting but rather scratchboard. The scratchboard panel is a 1/8" thick board coated with a special white clay and a topcoat of black India ink. Using any sharp instrument, I scratch off the ink in various patterns to reveal the white clay and form an image. It is one of the most difficult art mediums because it is unforgiving if one makes a mistake. You can't erase or paint over an error. I used the tip of a tattoo needle and the edge and corner of a sanding sponge to create this piece. I added a little color with translucent red ink to her lips.

This Siren is seducing her victim with her gazing gray eyes and soft red lips. Her head is slightly tilted as she touches her face with her fingertips.

Available Editions

Limited Edition | Scratchboard, 5" x 7" x 0"