Unconditional Love

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Unconditional Love, 2024
A Painting by Ama Appiah

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"Unconditional Love" is a pastel painting that captures an intimate and loving moment between a woman and a young child. Both figures are wrapped in a warm tartan blanket, emphasizing a strong bond and sense of security between them. The woman, characterized by her short hair, is depicted holding the child closely, with her face turned towards the child in a protective and caring manner. The child, smiling, appears to be looking directly at the viewer, adding a personal connection to the scene. They are both dressed in plaid shawls, blending harmoniously with the soft, warm hues of the background, which is painted in muted beige, green, and brown tones. This setting contributes to the overall feeling of comfort and love.

Available Editions

Limited Edition | pastel, 9" x 12" x 0"