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separates, 2024
A Photograph by Duane Toops

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We are not indivisible. We are a collection of puzzle pieces. Some pulled from different puzzles. Some missing. Most ill-fitting. Some connections happen, but only by happenstance. But even then, there is almost never an alignment.

"Separates" is a collage that acts as an invitation to sit within the tension of our own discordance and incongruity. To abide within the disruption and discontinuity.

It's not about what's visible, so much as what's buried. What's hidden in the cracks of memory and identity. The half-forgotten. The half remembered. The layers of collision and comingling. The shadows and history that we carry.

It's a meditation of what it means to be constructed of fragments. A wholeness made of broken beings.

Available Editions

Limited Edition | collage on paper, 8" x 11" x 0"
Limited Edition | collage on paper, 8" x 11" x 0"