Elsa Victorios  | Artist

Elsa Victorios



Artist Statement

Exploring the World with Elsa Victorios
The journey of the bicycle started in my paintings in 2010. I painted a bicycle paying homage to
my father, who taught me how to ride them. His instructions were, "If you keep looking forward
and remain undistracted, you will not lose your balance and fall. But if you do fall, brush your-
self off and start cycling again." His inspiring words have been my motto ever since.
I apply his concept to other facets of my life, most importantly to my art. I pursue my goals,
overcome my fears, pain and challenges, always moving forward recognizing the world is full of
opportunities. One such opportunity was starting a new life in another country. I stripped my-
self of my attachments in Columbia and began writing a new life story. I adjusted to a new life-
style, learned a new language and embraced a new culture. In the United States, I met people
with different customs, but who enriched me as a human being. Here I have forged a new world
and personality.
Today, I see the bicycles as a resource for connecting with people around the world. In them, I
find emotions and manifestations. They have made me a citizen of the world. I have traveled to
other continents where I have shared them with people. Collectors have taken my bicycle
paintings to their homes where they have made them a part of their lives. That is why I call
them The World Travelers.
At this moment, I think my bicycle paintings are magical and have a life of their own. I can see
them fly, climb mountains, cross rivers and oceans. They are able to go anywhere. I also see
them discreet and able to fill small spaces. They are fast and agile; highly adaptable. They are
generous and happy.
Between sketches, drawings and paintings, I have produced more than 250 bicycle works. They
are mixed media with acrylic and oil. I use spatulas and palette knives to add texture and effects
that create a lively and expressive atmosphere. I often include ladders as companions for my
bicycles. They serve as bridges. I include balloons for their lightness and because they have the
ability to elevate the bicycles.
I have come a long way from my early years in Columbia. My work has received numerous
awards in national and international exhibitions. Being able to represent the United States, my
adopted country, on other continents fills me with joy and satisfaction. Doing so has helped me
grow personally and in the art world.
Elsa Victorios


Elsa Victorios
Es una artista originaria de Pereira.Colombia,nacionalizada Estadounidense .
Victorios estudió Bellas Artes en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia ,alternando estudios de preservación y conservación de arte en el Centro Nacional de Conservación de Arte en Bogotá .
Desde muy temprana edad ,ella ha tenido la inquietud por el arte ,ganó su primer premio a los seis años .Sus padres la tuvieron en clases de arte con diferentes maestros .
En 1989 se mudó a los Estados Unidos ,dondé su vida cambió drásticamente como inmigrante .Vivió un tiempo en NY .Trabajó en factorías para vivir .luego se mudó a Fort Lauderdale donde ha vivido desde entonces.
Trabajó como diseñadora de accesorios para decoradores de interiores .En 2013 funda su primer estudio de arte para enseñanza de arte para niños y adultos.En 2017 abre su galería de arte . Victorios Art Gallery en Fort Lauderdale
Su vida como inmigrante la maduró profesionalmente como artista .Ella ha participado en muchas exposiciones internacionales de América ,Europa ,Asia y Africa .Después de pasar por diferentes estilos en su pintura y escultura ,ha creado un estilo propio .Victorios ha recibido reconocimientos , premios y también nombramientos como jurado de Festivales de arte ,directora artística .
Sus obra es abstracta ,expresionista y surrealista .Así la define ella !
Su obra representa el viaje de la vida de cada individuo .Los caminos que todos debemos recorrer y enfrentar según nuestras experiencias ,buenas y malas .En cada una de sus obras vemos ,bicicletas y escaleras ,son sus protagonistas.Victorios ha titulado a su obra " Viajeras del Mundo ".
Sus obras pertenecen a varias colecciones de museos
2018- se integra como artista exponente en el 4th festival Internacional del Arte ,en HAEGEUMGANG THEME MUSEUM,en la ciudad de Geoje .Korea .
Sigue participando en exposiciones de arte en otros países
2019- vuelve a participar en el 5th Festival International del Arte "FREEDOM AND PEACE" Geoje .Haegeumgang Theme Museo.Corea y gana el premio a la excelencia
2020 -Vuelve a participar en el museo . Es nombrada miembro de jurado para el 6th Festival International de Arte "Atomic Peace ".Haegeumgang Them Museum.Geoje .Korea .136 artistas de 26 países participan .Todas las obras son donadas por los artistas para el museo .
2021.Nuevamente vuelve a participar ,esta vez es nombrada por el fundador y director Cheo Eob YU, como presidenta de jurado del 7th Festival International de Arte ,"Peace Again " .Geoje .Corea .Logra el éxito total para el museo .
El museo es calificado por la prensa Coreana ,como el museo que ha hecho el festival más grande de Korea .
283 artistas de 63 países participan ,más de 300 obras han sido donadas .
Elsa Victorios recibió 8 trofeos y 17 reconocimientos ,entre nombramientos ,agradecimiento y premios .De diferentes ,organizaciones ,concilios ,directores ,presidentes y alcaldes ,incluyendo Federación de artes y cultura de Asía Pacifico .

Las exposiciones de 2021 :

3Artists 3 Colors .Destination by ElsaVictorios .Museo Daesan .Corea
3Artists 3 Colors .Kim Bo Seong Art Center .Seoul.Corea
Peace Again.2021,7th Geoje International Art Festival .Haegeumgang Theme Museum.Corea .
Ways Towards Peace .Haegeumgang Theme Museum.Corea .
Ataturk Memorial Youth &Sports Festival ,Turkey .
Victorios Art Gallery .Permanent Exhibition.Fort Lauderdale.
Women Empowered in Art .Victorios Art Gallery.Fort Lauderdale
The 21th International Competition.Incheon Metropolitan Arts Exhibition.Corea
Beauty of Meticulousness.Diaoyutai Hotel.ArtPlu Contemporary Art Museum .Hangzhou.China
Art Plu Contemporary Art Museum .Permanent Art Exhibition.Shanghai.China

Awards 2021:

2021 ,7th Geoje .Internacional Art Festival.Achievement Award .ICAF .International Culture and Arts Federation.Corea
2021,Ways Towards Peace Award.Haegeumgang Theme Museum.Corea
2021 ,Excellent Artist Award.Haegeumgang Theme Museum.Geoje .Corea
2021,Artist Award Shines Korea.Haegeumgang Theme Museu.Geoje.Korea.
2021.The Plaque of Appreciation as Chairman of the Jury .Haegeumgang Theme Museum.Geoje.Korea
2021 .The Plaque of Appreciation as Chairman of the jury and Artistic Director .ICOM ASPAC.International Concil of Museums Asia Pacific.Regional .Union .
2021.Plaque of Appreciation as Chairman of the Jury and Artistic Director.Mayor of Jeongeup City.Corea .
2021.Plaque of appreciation as Chairman of the Jury and Artistic Director. 7thGeoje International Art Festival .Haegeumgang Theme Museum.Geoje, Corea .

Certificates and Appointments 2021:

2021.Certificate of Appointment as the Chairwoman of the Jury of the 7th Geoje International Art Festival .ICAF International Culture and Arts Federation.Corea .
2021 .Power of Attorney.ICAF .International Culture and Arts Federation.Corea
2021.Certificate of Appointment as General Director of the International Arts.January 1th ~December 2022
2021. Certificate of Appointment as General Director of International Arts of the 8th Geoje International Art Festival 2022.Haegeumgang Theme Museum.Corea .
2021 .Certificate of Appreciation.For contribution to a successful event is of great worth .Way Toward Peace .Member of The National Assembly of the Republic of Korea.
2021 .Certificate of Appointment as the Chairwoman of the 8th Geoje International Art Festival.2022.ICAF .International Culture and Arts Federation.Korea .
2021.Certificate of Appointment as Chairman of the Global Artist Nominating Community ,of the 8th Geoje International Art Festival .2022.ICAF .
2021 Certificate of Appointment.as the Chairwoman of the Jury of the 8th Geoje International Art Festival.2022.Haegeumgang Theme Museum.Korea.
2021 .Certificate of Appointment as General Director of the International Arts of the 8th .Geoje International Art Festival.2022.ICAF
2021.Certificate of Appointment as General Director of the International Arts of the 8th,Geoje International Art Festival.2022.Haegeumgang Theme Museum.
2021.Letter of Appointment to the 7th Geoje International Art Festival as a Cultural Ambassador.International Council of Museums ASPAC.
2021.Certificate of appreciation.Korean Museum Association.Sep 1th .2021 .
2021 .Certificate of appreciation .International Council of Museums .September 1th ,2021.
2021.Letter of Appreciation for the contribution to the development of International Culture and Arts .Mayor of Jeongeup City .November 1.2021

Exhibition History (CV)

Featured Artists Exhibition
November 2021