Our goal is the generate sales and awareness
to help artists who are struggling with no hope.
Our business model is based on the following principles
O rganization
I nformation
C ommunication
U nderstanding
We believe that the condition of the world depends heavily on the artisan.
The solemn responsibility of the artist to inspire and uplift providing hope that tomorrow will be a better day by showing the world beauty and truth through every media available.
We believe that it is the business of businesses to provide and maintain a stable patron base atmosphere of well being by promoting the arts and culture.
We believe that we can and will end war on earth by providing hope through the constant support of inspiring and uplifting artisans promoting truth and beauty in every country of the world.
I'm Whitney. I grew up on a small farm in middle Georgia. My parents divorced when I was 8 and I grew up all over the United States from Georgia to California on the road in a Volkswagon van. I studied art at home and in schools. Music and drama was a big part of my early years. Painting is and has always been a passion of mine because I am a visual learner and I love to observe and see colors and shapes. I founded Whitney Art LLC in 2020 and I currently paint commissions, support my community through visual and performance art.
The vision and purpose of Whitney Art LLC is to inspire and uplift the world. We mentor artists and work with people that can't afford art supplies or lessons through donations from patrons that support art in our community. We go live on social media showcasing our local community through plein-air demonstrations. We have had a 1 minute 28 second segment on the local news channel 13 celebrating our community involvement. We organize events and artistic Olympic style games all over the world. I have been one of 5 judges in an international art competition from artists from over 30 different countries.
I am an artist, student, teacher, painter, sculptor, and business owner. I have studied music, drama, science, math, architechture, archeology, astronomy, communication, writing, geology, engineering, computer technology, biology, ecology, natural sciences, and visual arts. I am observant and I have a passion and thirst for knowledge.
I have traveled the world. I have seen many different people and cultures from Georgia to California, Italy, Spain, and Germany. I have studied the cultures and societies of the world. My dream is to bring the world together through art and end war as we know it by bringing the world into a new age of art and culture because of the incredible power of the internet we can educate and enlighten the entire world at once. Never before has the world been so close to being one family of different people living together and working together for a noble purpose and goal. War is not reasonable in a world of culture and reason. This is why I am an artist.