Maryellen Mariani | Artist

Maryellen Mariani



Artist Statement

I have witnessed tremendous suffering in my 68 years, and I see art as a portal to peace and beauty. I'm moved to create art that may offer temporary relief from suffering, help the viewer find peace, and foster connections among us. I believe that in ruins, we may find treasures.


I have a B.A. in Psychology and a M.Ed. in English Education. In my twenties, I worked as a counselor for abused and neglected children. I became a teacher and worked in alternative education programs with at-risk teenagers for many years. I also taught students with significant medical challenges in a Hospital-Homebound program. I'm a lifelong, self-taught "dabbler" in art. I swam competitively from childhood through college and still find great peace when I am in the pool or the gulf. After my husband died 10 years ago, I immersed myself in art, which helped me work through deep grief . I have only recently begun to submit my art for exhibition.

Collage is my favorite medium. I like the challenge of taking paint, fabric, and bits of paper to create something new. As a retired teacher, my limited budget motivates me to recycle and repurpose materials and tools. I favor tropical hues and whimsical depictions of human and mythical characters.

Exhibition History (CV)

Move: The Expression of Motion in Still Art
October 2023
MIXED MEDIA @ Five Deuces Galleria
Five Deuces Galleria
June 2023
UNREAL SURREAL @ Five Deuces Galleria
Five Deuces Galleria
March 2023