The Hippies were Right

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The Hippies were Right, 2023
A Photograph by Mark Snyder

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Growing up in the Sixties, my first formative exposure to art was Peter Max and the cover of the Beatles Yellow Submarine album. His colorful and graphic nature certainly informed my psychedelic approach to this piece created to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of Woodstock. I was ten years old when Woodstock happened and I was so enthralled with watching it unfold on the evening news and hearing my parents talk about what a lost cause the Hippies were. Of course now, we realize the Hippies were right. All you need is love, and War truly is a bad thing. Every performer at Woodstock is captured in this hand cut collage, and some of the attendees as well. I used pen, specialty papers, ink, and gel medium to complete the piece. Around the outside edge, I used famous Hippie quotes to frame the work. Most people think that Woodstock marked the end of the sixties. I think it was just getting us warmed up for the seventies.

Available Editions

Limited Edition | Hand Cut Collage on Canvas, 48" x 58" x 2"