Gods And Monkeys Watch The Children Of Dagas Dance Before Lovers And Fools...

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Gods And Monkeys Watch The Children Of Dagas Dance Before Lovers And Fools..., 2023
A Photograph by Michael Angelo Gagliardi

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Gods And Monkeys Watch The Children Of Degas Dance Before Lovers And Fools...
Mixed Media by Michael Angelo Gagliardi automatic drawing copper plate wood and crayon 19"x30" 2019
This artwork is based on an art method first done by the surrealist movement in Europe and later used by the Mexican Muralist. I took a sheet of corroded copper, blanking my mind and just began drawing on the copper, images come forth and a story is created. This story in turn began to create a title for the work. There are several god figures conversing with different types of monkeys and apes. They stood over various dancers from ballet to beer hall dancing girls to street dancers. Many of whom reminded me of the figures drawn by Degas. The dancers' audiences were different couples and various foolish clowns. I used copper upholstery tacks to adhere the cooper to its backing.

Available Editions

Open Edition | crayon and colored pencil on petinaed copper, 30" x 19" x 3"