Eclipsis Lunaris...

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Eclipsis Lunaris..., 2023
A Photograph by Michael Angelo Gagliardi

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Acrylic paint on shaped canvas, lighting elements and metal sculptural elements 58"x 48"x 2 ½" 2016
When we witnesses an eclipse, even when we know the science behind it, we cannot deny the emotions it builds in us. An eclipse gives us a sense of wonder and understanding of how our ancestors saw this phenomenon as both a holy and horrible event. It becomes hypnotic and we just stare and rarely does anyone speak. In Eclipsis Lunaris, (Latin for Luna Eclipsis) I want the viewer to experience an eclipsis. The light hitting the steel then bouncing back onto the canvas is designed to create a ring of light creating an aroura.
As you view the artwork it is my hope that you see the wonder of an eclipsis

Available Editions

Open Edition | acrylic on shaped canvas, lighting element, steel, 48" x 56" x 6"