Can I Butt In?

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Can I Butt In?, 2023
A Photograph by Fran Failla

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For me, the creation of a work of art, through the medium of oil paint, is a never-ending joy. Technically, it can be a challenge but, it's also lots of fun! Art evolves, and this piece most certainly did that!
The original intention when I was painting "Can I Butt In?" was for it to be a serious, classical still life. But there was this little yellow ceramic pot sitting in my peripheral vision, with a happy face on it that kept enticing me to add it to the canvas. Giving in to its insistent nudge, I placed it in the center of the still life and couldn't stop smiling. It transformed the piece into a whimsical, fun-filled painting that I just loved. It speaks of silly moments and awkward situations and finds the humor in both.
That little ceramic pot is still sitting in my kitchen, calling to me!

Available Editions

Limited Edition | Oil on Canvas Panel, 14" x 11" x 1"