Thor's Well, 20x16, Limited Edition 1/25

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Thor's Well, 20x16, Limited Edition 1/25, 2024
A Photograph by Joseph Vargas

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Black and White image of Thor's Well on the Oregon Coast.

Thor’s Well is a unique geographical element on the Oregon coast near Cape Perpetua. Getting an image like this requires timing with the tides. For this image, I started to make my way out through the slippery rocks of the tidal water to a spot right in front of the well where I could set up my tripod.

After setting up, I took some test shots and then finally shot a couple of frames as the waves came in and the water receded down into the well. Then, without warning, on the next image a larger than normal “sneaker” wave hit me and slashed me and my camera equipment with foamy salt water.

In one split second as I saw the wave approaching, I grabbed my tripod, lifted it over my head, turned sideways to minimize the wave's impact on my body, and focused on not losing my footing. The last thing I wanted was to FALL into Thor's Well.

Without panicking, I started to carefully but quickly walk back through the tidal water to the beach which was about fifty yards away. Once at my car, I immediately removed the battery and got some fresh water and a couple of large lens cloths that I keep at all times. I wet the cloth and wiped the camera down several times and then dried it and prayed that the camera would still work. Fortunately, we both survived.

Available Editions

Limited Edition | Acrylic Print, 20" x 16" x 1"