Multnomah Falls, 16x20, Limited Edition 1/25

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Multnomah Falls, 16x20, Limited Edition 1/25, 2024
A Photograph by Joseph Vargas

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Black and white image of the iconic landmark, Multnomah Falls, Oregon.

Multnomah Falls is a very popular natural recreation site in the Pacific Northwest with more than 2 million visitors each year. The falls are fed by underground springs from Larch Mountain, and by snow melt, with a total drop of over 600 feet. This results in a continual flow, unlike other falls that can diminish or completely dry up in the summer. The flow over the falls is usually highest during the winter and spring.

According to Native American lore, Multnomah Falls was created to win the heart of a young princess who wanted a hidden place to bathe.

On the last day of a week-long trip to Oregon I decided to drive to the falls to take in the awe inspiring view and feel the power of this iconic waterfall. By the time I arrived it was late afternoon and there was an intoxicating cool freshness to the air. After walking around the site I settled on a vantage point to frame my image. The bridge that spans the chasm above the second tier of the falls seems precariously balanced between the two cliff faces.

Available Editions

Limited Edition | Acrylic Print, 16" x 20" x 1"