Sand Dunes I

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Sand Dunes I, 2024
A Photograph by Joseph Vargas

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Black and white image of sand dunes in Death Valley illuminated by the rising sun casting dark shadows.

The image captures a striking black and white scene of sand dunes in Death Valley during the early morning.

The low angle of the sun casts long, dramatic shadows across the undulating dunes, highlighting the intricate patterns and textures in the sand.

The curves of the dunes are sharply defined, with bright, sunlit ridges contrasting against deep, shadowed valleys.

The mountains in the background are a gradient of soft grays, providing a serene backdrop that emphasizes the stark, barren beauty of the desert landscape.

The overall composition exudes a sense of timeless solitude and natural elegance.

Available Editions

Limited Edition | Acrylic Print, 20" x 16" x 1"