Last Call

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Last Call, 2023
A Painting by Andree Tracey

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My concern for environmental changes due to global warming has inspired me to create a series of paintings I've entitled "Flammable Florida". My wild and tropical Florida provides a dramatic contrast to what our future could look like if climate change accelerates. Human beings are quite capable of voicing opinions about global warming, but hey, what about the flowers? The wild creatures like the Florida panther? What about our mermaids? What do they have to say about these changes? In my paintings I have given them all a voice in the form of fiery protests.

In "Last Call" a mermaid sits beneath a Century Plant. In spite of its name, the Century Plant's life span is considerably shorter. It can produce blooms after seven or eight years, after which it promptly wilts. Behind the mermaid, the city is advancing to the shore, crowding out her habitat. Will the mermaid's fate reflect that of the Century Plant? What's a mermaid to do? Another glass of wine please.

Available Editions

Last Call | oil on canvas, 24" x 30" x 1"
Last Call | oil paint on canvas, 24" x 30" x 2"