Kosmic Kisses

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Kosmic Kisses, 2022
A Graphite by Sugarcuber Lab

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It is arguable that self love is the most important love. Upon self-reflection we may not like what we see in the mirror looking back at us, or feel discontent when looking at our physical/earthly forms. It is important to remember our spiritual selves extend beyond the cosmos. True beauty comes from looking past our flaws and learning to love ourselves from the spirit that resides within all of us.

(Graphite on Paper)
(Art Print on Cardstock Paper)

Available Editions

Limited Edition | cardstock paper, 8" x 11" x 0"
Limited Edition | Cardstock Paper, 8" x 11" x 0"
Limited Edition | Art Print on Matte Cardstock , 8" x 11" x 1"
Limited Edition | Art Print of Graphite Drawing on Cardstock , 8" x 11" x 1"