Open Arms

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Open Arms, 2023
A Painting by artzyart

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Open Arms -48X36 acrylic on canvas
This ocean ballerina is taking a break, dancing her way through the salty sea and a coral reef. She is a solitary creature, excellent at camouflaging and concealing herself. She can change to gray, brown, pink, blue, or green colors to blend in with her surroundings. She is about 90 percent muscle, and because she lacks bones, and can fit through very small spaces. She is believed to be quite intelligent capable of learning, using tools, remembering locations, thinking creatively, formulating strategies and communicating with not just other octopuses but also with other species.
I take joy in knowing that my work and who I am reaches out and touches others. I'm greatly inspired by color, especially bright and dramatic colors. Colors don't merely talk to me, they SHOUT. I believe that art has its own special language. It can cut right to a basic human emotion, hold on tight and even cause one to react in some way. So, when a piece of art speaks to you, Listen!

Available Editions

Limited Edition | Acrylic painting on canvas, 48" x 36" x 1"
Open Arms | Acrylic painting on canvas, 48" x 36" x 1"