The Eyes Have It

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The Eyes Have It, 2024
A Painting by artzyart

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"Over the top with a laugh or two or three" is me. I'm a colorful character who happens to love color. And I delight when what I do makes others smile, laugh, and roar. I take joy in knowing that my work and who I am reaches out and touches others.

I'm greatly inspired by color, especially bright and cheerful colors. Colors don't merely talk to me, they SHOUT! Bright colors are happy and uplifting and just plain feel good. I paint with acrylic on canvas, images inspired by nature, but whimsical, executed with more than a touch of fantasy.
I paint because I love the challenge it presents to transform a blank canvas into something of beauty, meaning and enjoyment.

The regal portrayal of this pelican, aptly named 'The Eyes Have It,' draws inspiration from a captivating photograph generously provided by the acclaimed photographer Nancy Koch. Translating this solemn demeanor onto canvas, I utilized acrylic paint to evoke a sense of stateliness. However, to imbue the artwork with a touch of vibrancy and playfulness, I introduced a bright and colorful interpretation, seamlessly blending whimsy to lighten the overall mood. This harmonious fusion captures the essence of the majestic pelican, paying homage to its dignified presence while infusing the composition with an engaging and lively spirit.

Available Editions

The Eyes Have It | Acrylic painting on canvas, 24" x 48" x 1"