I Am Dirt

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I Am Dirt, 2024
A Illustration by Kira Gondeck-Silvia

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With this piece, I wanted to conceptually explore ideas of life cycles and technically explore mixing organic elements with decorative, such as the repetitive and calligraphic lines as well as the tamed spacing around the leaves. Regardless of the medium I use, process plays a huge role. I find drawing spirals and curves satisfying, as well as utilizing contour lines to communicate the flow of surfaces. Much like Tita in the story of "Like Water for Chocolate," I imbue my work with blessings and protection. In that way, creating art is one way for me to cast spells and manifest positive energy.

Originally inspired by a plastic skeleton I spray painted in rainbow colors, this piece was created mostly with Procreate. Due to the file size necessary, I did need to assemble a few separate Procreate files into one using Photoshop and did a bit of clean up in both Photoshop and Illustrator. It was printed on a 16" x 40" canvas and I also did a run of 3" x 3" holographic glitter stickers.

Available Editions

Open Edition | digital illustration printed on canvas, 40" x 16" x 1"