Forest of Memories

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Forest of Memories, 2024
A Painting by Nathan Heinze

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The main figure in this painting is a reborn angel who has risen anew from a previous existence, perhaps as another creature. The forest she walks through is one where she lived in the past, and although her form is now changed, she still holds the emotions and memories of the past.

My process: I begin with the application of paste and gesso to form the underlying textures. After that dries, I cover the canvas with an acrylic wash and then make ink outlines on top of that to define the main forms. Another coat of acrylics goes on top of that, followed by additional inking. After this is complete, I paint an oil wash over the entire piece and then add small details and additional glazing with oils. It is a demanding and time-consuming process but one that creates a very unique look.

Available Editions

Original Painting | Oil and Acrylic on Board, 30" x 24" x 1"

Exhibition History

April 2024 | Kress Contemporary