Urchin Marines

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Urchin Marines, 2023
A Painting by artzyart

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I've been involved in art all my life as an interior decorator, jewelry designer, window display artist, actor and painter. "Over the top with a laugh or two or three" is me. I'm a colorful character who happens to love color. And I delight when what I do makes others smile, laugh, and roar. I take joy in knowing that my work and who I am reaches out and touches others.

I'm greatly inspired by color, especially bright and cheerful colors. Colors don't merely talk to me, they SHOUT! Bright colors are happy and uplifting and just plain feel good. I paint with acrylic on canvas, images inspired by nature, but whimsical, executed with more than a touch of fantasy.
I paint because I love the challenge it presents to transform a blank canvas into something of beauty, meaning and enjoyment.

In "Urchin Marines" I have tried to capture the perspective and the feeling that I get of the sea floor when I'm snorkeling. The neon colored coral, plant life and animal creatures inspire me to capture their essence on canvas using acrylic paint. The ever changing display in the ocean created by the Master artist Mother Nature herself is fascinating to observe. I photograph her art and then paint what I see with bright whimsical embellishments. Kinda like Mother Nature on steroids!

Available Editions

Limited Edition | Acrylic painting on canvas, 24" x 48" x 1"
Urchin Marines | Acrylic painting on canvas, 24" x 48" x 1"