Requiem for Zemyna

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Requiem for Zemyna, 2022
A Photograph by EnTactus

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Requiem for Zemyna
From the private collection of The Art of Angels Gallery

Revealed to me was first her beauty. Youthful fertile and quite firm.
Buried deep beneath the sand, her soft skin for which I yearned.
By my own hands for her I dug, with all strength, with all my might.
In her I saw but love, the very nurturer of life.
She forgave me my transgressions, To me she would not tell a lie.
Her breast to me she beared freely, the very teat that I sucked dry.
Her skin begin to wither, her supple fruit crumbled in my hand.
My rigor meant but to free her, chrushed her into the sand.
Her gift to me no less than life. Her fruit the fuel on which I thrive.
The blade that cut her so deeply, my eyes swelling now with fear,
In my own hand clutched tightly. My eyes too dry to form a tear.
I am but what she made me, forged from her this tool of her demise.
Her grounds I tilled so deeply there's no seed can touch the sky.
I meant but to plant them safely, buried deep beneath the soil
where none could ever find it find them, my plans they'd ever foil
too deep for rain to ever touch it, never wash it from out the ground.
My plan of future harvest, now clear to me was fatally unsound.
I hope in her you see but beauty. treasure this gift she's left for you.
Cherish her so deeply, gift back back the very same I hope you do.
To you she gifted freedom, he

Available Editions

Limited Edition | Acrylic and Ink on Paved Canvas, 48" x 60" x 2"