Shroud of Dignity

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Shroud of Dignity, 2021
A Photograph by EnTactus

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"Shroud of Dignity" is the third installment in "Paved in Skin" series. This painting features the Egyptian goddess Isis sat upon her throne, though draped and concealed. Though upon the highest of thrones she sits, the judgement of the world she cannot escape. Locked in the eternal struggle to ascend beyond the judging eyes of the world, not even the peak of divine status, let alone of human, can afford for even the queen of queens an escape from the immortal weight of the undying shroud of the world's judgement.

She is our unfettered pursuit of status. Our eternal desire to climb beyond the reaches of all the judging eyes of the world. Her story, though it found her upon the highest of thrones, never pierced through the veil we all wear. The veil of our eternal need for approval, and validation from the external. Her story, like all stories of the divine, are our own story. It is within their stories that we articulate our own struggles, because our deepest of them are not ours alone. Her struggles, as are the struggles of all divine entities, are the struggles of us all.

Available Editions

Limited Edition | Acrylic and Ink on Paved Canvas, 36" x 48" x 2"
Limited Edition | Acrylic and Ink on Paved Canvas, 36" x 48" x 2"
Limited Edition | Acrylic and Ink on Paved Canvas, 36" x 48" x 2"
Limited Edition | Acrylic and Ink on Paved Canvas, 36" x 48" x 2"