Going Got Weird

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Going Got Weird, 2024
A Photograph by EnTactus

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Inspired by the eccentric, enigmatic writer. A perplexing powerhouse of personality and chemicals and the pioneer of gonzo journalism. The brilliant and enigmatic mad man, Hunter S. Thompson! With special guests, Bill Murray and Johnny Depp!

This pareidolic portrait was originally created entirely digitally in 2016 and quickly became one of Casey’s most popular works, selling out all prints and apparel featuring the work. After years of advancing his abilities, Casey chose to recreate the work in the new physical medium he has since come to master.

The paved canvas technique begins by generously coating the entire canvas in a blend of acrlyic and concrete patch. For this work Casey pressed a sheet of lace fabric into the still wet surface giving the already unique paved texture an extra layer of intricate detail. Once the surface was dry, Casey meticulously hand painted all the detail in layers of India ink and ink washes in a process that can take upwards of 100 hours!

Available Editions

Limited Edition | Acrylic and Ink on Paved Canvas, 36" x 24" x 2"