Sanguine Tears

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Sanguine Tears, 2023
A Photograph by EnTactus

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A deviation from the artists traditional work in high detail portraiture. With something as simple as a few well placed drips of paint, the female form is unmistakable. Before the painting began, the artist created references for this work by pouring paint onto the naked body of his muse. The work then moved from camera to canvas, beginning with a "Paved Canvas" technique unique to to the artist. While still wet, the paved surface was wrapped tightly in lace to create an imprint of its pattern. Finally, with very carefully painted drips, the muses body began to emerge. Her feminine curves traced in sanguine tears. Her story of woe never to be told.

Available Editions

Limited Edition | Acrylic and Ink on Paved Canvas, 24" x 36" x 1"