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EnTactus, 2022
A Photograph by EnTactus

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An amalgamation of Greek and Latin words meaning "to touch within", EnTactus came to me as vision during an otherwise unpleasant psychedelic experience. Lying in a dark room, too far gone to form sentences, the image came to me as clear as it can be seen today. I understood immediately it had to get out of my head and into the world and I leapt to begin working immediately.
I had to manifest it into the world. I knew I wasn't a good enough artist to paint this vision and I knew I had to do it anyway. No matter how long it might take. I was the only one who could see this beautiful vision and I committed myself to changing that. I would spend the following year and a half bringing this figment of my imagination into the world.
Before the painting and even the vision I didn't believe I was good enough to be a real artist. I'd do it for my own amusement but didn't expect anyone would care. From the moment the vision came to me on, I understood myself to be capable of creating anything I could envision, and I began to envision my life as an artist.
I didn't begin EnTactus from a place of meaning but rather as a search for it. The vision was an invitation for me to search for meaning. For the observer I hope for the painting to be the same.

Available Editions

Limited Edition | Acrylic and Resin on Canvas, 48" x 24" x 1"
Limited Edition | Acrylic and Resin on Canvas, 48" x 24" x 1"