NEW!! Now, CloudFolios gives art organizations and exhibiting artists the ultimate platform for showcasing, selling, and interacting LIVE with your visitors called CloudExhibit® - included in our Exhibit Membership!
Announced your exhibit and calls to artist through CloudFolios and run your entire submission process online. Set submission limits, fees, and curators to run everything from one place.
CloudFolios has one of the only tools that allows for single or group curation using several curation models, including voting and scoring. Realtime curation allows for easy decision-making.
Once your call is finalized, CloudFolios generates printable PDFs such as artist contact lists, reference sheets, art sign-ins, artwork ID tags, and wall tags on various Avery templates.
Along with instant e-mail notifications to submitting artists when curation is completed, schedule broadcast e-mails to deliver additional details such as art drop off and important information.
CloudFolios supports the online collection of exhibit fees included in the Exhibit level. We charge submitting artists a small 10% fee and you a flat 3% fee to pay for processing. You keep the rest.
You control if and when an online version of your curated exhibit is shown online. Set your online exhibit to show live submission, curated works, displayed works after the exhibit, or none at all.
Use our point of sale system to record and process sales from clients instantly. Credit card processing is provided automatically and transfers recorded to the Public Ledger.
Online visitors can purchase your art through our online gallery and your CloudFolios artist site. Your site is automatically created and each work entered into our gallery.
Our Exhibit level is built for to provide more support for artist and collectors who are looking to sell their artwork in addition to exhibiting on- and off-line. When you mean business, Exhibit is your level.
Document and manage career related information such as an Artist Statement, Curriculum Vitae (CV-Exhibition History), Biography and awards.
Identify and browse through your physically produced artworks / products. Keep track of artwork sold and transferred to you by other artists.
Export printable references of your entire body of work, organized by collections or just export a specific collection for your records.
We've created widgets that you can plug into any website to feed your exhibitions, calls, and event art collection to your website. Manage it all from one place.
Transfer produced from your Art Inventory to clients, artists, galleries, and collectors will full records maintained in the Public Ledger.
Exhibit is designed for artist and collectors who want more than just the free catagloging services CloudFolios Free offers - more tools to track their careers.
CloudFolios does not limit or charge you by the amount you upload. With unlimited uploads, you can organize and keep track of more.
Create and track original, reproduced and available editions. Copy edition information across your entire collection for lightning fast cataloging.
Keep track of awards and exhibits your works have show in. All of this information is displayed for you and everyone who sees your work on CloudFolios.
Find & submit to artist calls, competitions, and portfolio reviews submitted by other members and organizations on the CloudFolios Platform.
Browse through user uploaded work across various mediums from artists all of over the world. Connect with other artists socially.
All produced work that is added to your CloudFolios account is logged and given a unique serial number for tracking throughout its lifetime.
Sales Enabled! We work to sell your art as an online marketplace and gallery. ZERO sales commission. Only 3% for payment processing.
Organize and share your artwork with the world. No credit card required. Free for artists for life.