Laments of Aura

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Laments of Aura, 2022
A Photograph by EnTactus

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Laments of Aura

To man her very breath, it's but a means to cross the sea.

The shores she does not blow to, not a chance he'll ever be.

Free to soar to blisses height, her pain lifts upon her wing.

Searching highest of cloud, fathers lost breath she hopes to sing.

Her pain finds her a pleasure, it bears a scent almost surreal.

Mystified by her own father, haunting her thoughts of the ideal.

Lamenting for lost father, with tear filled eyes she just can't see.

A wind blowing behind her, her very breath her father's breeze.

His breath across her shoulder, on her neck she still can't feel.

That gale always behind her, she's never faced to reveal.

To sea beneath her not a glance, it would reveal'th to her truth.

That a breath that's taken of her, is taken from her very youth.

Her essence dare I not capture, nor her breeze but I embrace.

For within man's walls, the Winds of Aura have no space.

Her words I cannot say them, of her honest I can but speak.

Her gaze rigidly on truth, her breath making strong men weep.

Available Editions

Limited Edition | Acrylic and Ink on Paved Canvas, 30" x 40" x 2"
Limited Edition | Acrylic and Ink on Paved Canvas, 40" x 30" x 2"