Funky From the Start

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Funky From the Start, 2024
A Painting by EnTactus

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Inspired by the legendary extraterrestrial godfather of funk, George Clinton! The legend at the heart of an acid fueled music empire and pioneer of psychedelic funk that inspired, and continues to inspire, countless artists and even the entire genre of hiphop to emerge in his radiant wake.

Using a variation on Casey’s Paved Canvas technique, this work began by generously coating the entire canvas in a blend of acrylic and concrete patch. Casey then splattered various hues of green acrylic paint and drip painted in flowers. From there the work sat unfinished for months until the vision of George playing in this Funky field finally came to Casey. Another layer of concrete patch/acrylic blend was then added to create George’s silhouette, leaving his sunglasses open revealing the fields reflection. From there the previously fairly chaotic creative process shifted in to a much more careful and meticulous approach of hand painting India ink to create all of the fine details of George’s likeness.

“I was born in an outhouse. My mother thought she had to take a shit. Low and behold, I came out. So I was funky from the start” -George Clinton

Available Editions

Original Painting | Acrylic and Ink on Paved Canvas, 36" x 24" x 2"